We can live the change now! There is already so much happening in the world, we just need to get active.
What are we waiting for?
There is no name for this movement yet and not a lot people have recognized it, but it's out there.
It's pretty big now, it's everywhere and it's growing faster and faster.
At the moment it's not a real movement, but a way of thinking that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Mostly young people, but it's not a matter of age.
What is it about these people?
All this people are thinking in a sustainable way and they are looking on our world in a global context. They might be vegans or vegetarians, life and consume aware, maybe just buy their food regionally and seasonally or grow it themselves. They don't believe in politics and economy anymore and want the world to be a better place for any living being.
You can see this change in the media or the supermarkets. Permaculture and Urban Gardening are common terms now and you can almost buy your stuff in a sustainable way. In the advertisements they always mention how natural and good for the environment their products are. And why?
Because that's what the people want. We all want to live good.
All this violence and inequality in our society. Starving children and people who need to do crimes to survive.
The massive destruction of our planet and the extinction of species everyday.
That humankind acts so stupid, while otherwise gains so much knowledge and creates brilliant technologies.
That all is just about money and power and everything else becomes worthless, even human lives.
All that doesn't look like we could live good lives much longer and most people can feel that there will be change. But what kind of change? Will it become even worse? More war, more poverty, the complete destruction of our planet? Or can we do something against it, before it's too late?
We could. But there's one sad thing about all these people. Most of us feel alone in this harsh capitalistic world. We don't even believe that we can accomplish a lot with what we do. Maybe in our own circles, but not in a global context. We feel like raindrops in the ocean.
But that's not true, there are lot's of us. We can become a wave, we just didn't communicate it up until now.
If we simply connect and live the alternative together, share our experiences and skills, then we can have a really big impact. And it's not even hard or complicated.
It's simple. Just help each other out, share with each other and try to live sustainably, this would be enough.
And we live in the 21st century, we have great technologies and a lot of knowledge. Everyone is running around with a piece of plastic that connects you to everything, we've the access to more knowledge than any other generation before. Why don't we use this wisely?
What can we do?
The first and most important step is to connect all existing movements, collectives, organizations and individuals, who share our values. We are millions of great creative human beings and if we would synergize our knowledge and skills, we can create a big impact. So let's just go to the people and share our vision with them.
We just offer them connection and help, they won't say no, at least listen to us and think about it.
Because our idea is great, it's simple and it's the right time for it. Also we have this foodsaving/-sharing background and the first thing we focus on is to prevent waste. That's something solid and just logical.
But what shall we do together with all this people? We can't change the world in one day, so we have to do it step by step. But what is the easiest way to spread our message and to bring the idea of sharing to the people?
It's to start with a basic need like food. That's what Foodsaving Worldwide Team is focusing on. To bring this movement worldwide and it's really needed that we do this. But it's just one piece of the puzzle.
How can we handle this?
Community Building
In almost every city are some active or aware living people or maybe just some who don't know yet how they can be part of the change. It's about to connect these people and bring them on a round table. What can we do?
- Choose a city you want to start the movement.
- Research existing collectives, projects, organizations in this town to find people with the same interests.
- Offer them to help build up foodsaving/-sharing in their town and to come to give workshops or just show them how to handle it.
- Go there and show them how we wupp. (It's also about community building, systemic consensus, sharing as life-concept etc.)
- Help them to implement a Fair-Share Point, but also try to build up a give box or a gift-shop or an urban gardening project, if the people are interested in it.
- Also try to get as many people involved as you can. A lot of old people or conservative thinking people, also adore the idea of saving and sharing.
- That's all, choose another city.
Workshops are one of the easiest ways to spread knowledge in a very short time. We can do them everywhere. We just need interested people. They can be about nearly every topic you can imagine. Be creative, what kind of skills are important to spread?
A big point is human interaction. If we don't start to talk to each other from human to human, we can't accomplish a lot. We need to face the fact that we're all very similar at heart. Maybe we have a different backstory and a different body, but we've the same feelings and needs. Everyone of us can be angry or depressed sometimes, but this are normal human characteristics and we need to see it as them, then all would become much easier.
Nomadic Tribe
A group of moneyfree people, who just travel from town to town, from event to event and already live the alternative radical. They build up communities, spread the message of sharing and connect people.
Foodsharing Global
Another team that start foodsharing/saving in different countries, by offering a tool and directly visit the people and helping them to build it up in their cities.
Some people can just directly travel to different organizations, collectives and individuals with same values and goals to connect them.
The other important thing is that EVERYONE can be part of this, so let's invite everyone to start this everywhere. Wherever you are, there is yunity. Just spread the vision and connect people.
Media Team
One of the most efficient methods to spread visions in our complex time is to use social media and videos. We can reach a lot of people by creating visual messages.
One minute of a well made video can change someones thinking about a topic. Let's use this and spread our message to everyone.
Also blogposts and articles spread in the social web are important nowadays, our internet-presentation can be build up a lot.
There are millions of people who are just waiting for the HOW and we give them a simple answer. Let's connect, let's share, let's change.
If we participate as many people as we can, than it will be an easy task. We just need to DO it.
Let's change our beautiful world! Because it's easy and it needs to be done.
(Just my dream, feel free to make a dragon dream out of this! )
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