Storytelling by volunteers

Storytelling by volunteers



The purpose of this document is to equip current and potential volunteers with a consistent story that they tell to foodsharing event attendees, other potential volunteers and their social circles.

Key points of the story

Be understandable and keep in mind your audience! Use e.g. a short story and simple vocabulary if there's lots of internationals.
Use not more than 3 talking points + quick Q&A. Ideally the story should be told to every attendee, no matter if (s)he is here for the first time or not.

  1. What is foodsharing?
    1. Volunteer based movement

    2. No money involved. All resources (Transportation, fuel, entrance cards, labor and etc.) are gifted by people that support the cause and movement.

  1. What problem are we solving and how?

    1. Problem (What?)

      1. Vasts amounts of edible food are being thrown out by markets, bakeries, supermarkets, organizations and households (us people).

    2. Mission (How?)

      1. We encourage food sellers and households to donate their food waste, which we then share;

      2. Raise awareness/educate the public about the causes for food waste and encourage local actions and sharing of the food surplus.

  2. How can the listener take part?

    1. Become an active foodsaver;

      1. You can actively save and distribute food (carry out pick-ups, care for FoodShare-Points, hold events, transport food and distribute it directly, etc.)

      2. You can support us from the background (write statements for the press, come up with nice design ideas, think about the structure and organization of the movement, etc.)

    2. Raise awareness among their social circles.

      1. They should tell the same story they just have heard. Spread the idea that surplus of food at homes can and should be shared instead of discharged. They can found a facebook group or use the one of an already existing initiative, if there is any (post pics of leftovers, include portion size, location and time).

Introduce to foodsharing point common sense

(this can be shouted out from time to time to all people around :D)

  • Take more of what we have more, take less of what we have less;

  • Event attendees should be encouraged to take more and share with their friends, families and neighbours

(slightly adapted document from Copenhagen)

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