The yunity heartbeat - what has each team done, what are they doing and what do they need help with.

WuppHaus Bad Dürrenberg.

Even though the WuppDays in Badue are over for now and the weather still is freezing cold in eastern Germany, the progress can't be stopped in the very first WuppHaus!

Especially the PR part of the project is steaming ahead as more and more media coverage is effected: We now have an overview page that collects all the self-published videos on YouTube, which could use some subtitles, there has been a new article published in a local newspaper and we get requests from various people who'd like to document our try to live the change we want to see in the world in the form of film or photo. So there's always more to be expected! (wink)

On top of that Sebastian Striegel, who is a member of the parliament of Sachsen-Anhalt for the green party (Landtagsabgeordneter der Grünen) came visiting the WuppHaus and expressed big interest in our way of living, our vision and mission and granted us his support. We still get more offers from people who'd like to help out with their skills, be it from befriended architects or a wood expert, who came by to assess the quality of the beams in the house and tell us how to handle our serpula lacrymans infestation. The German WuppHaus website gets more and more filled, we now also have sections on what we need and what we offer in the WuppHaus and we posted an informative article about the outcome of the first big WuppHaus plenum, in which yuniteers and local contributors gathered to talk about the future of the train station. Paul Free is already planning the next get-together with other local initiatives and collects info on who to invite and what to do. And as if that wasn't enough, we now even found the confidence to invite Taylor Swiftall her fans and the fans of My Little Pony to join us in the WuppHaus! Let's see where that leads... (smile)

WuppHaus Wurzen.

As we already mentioned in the last heartbeat, we found another possible WuppHaus location! Also close to Leipzig, but this time on the other side of the city: In Wurzen, in the East.

Since the first visit on January 5th a lot has happened and the plannings are already pretty concrete! A whole new space on the wiki has been created to give room to all the new information and planning for this second WuppHaus project. This time the houses are actually in a state that can be best described as ready-to-move-in! But therefore this time they are not for free...

As the approach this time involves money to actually buy the houses, a lot more accounting and bureaucracy are to be handled. We already have a rough financial plan, as well as a pretty intense discussion about the question if money can even be shared like every other resource or not. Because not all yuniteers think, that buying a house is a good idea, even if it's meant to be gifted to the movement afterwards.

Still, the planning is in full swing! There have been already a lot of meetings on various concrete topics (see the  - mostly German - minutes here), like distribution of the imagined rooms based on the nicely drawn layout plansideas on how to deal with the omnipresent issue of moneyhow to handle conflicts and much more. Of course there are picturesa short concept has been articulated in German and if you want to participate, you're invited to do so!

WuppDays Planning.


In Progress

Challenges/help needed


In Progress

Challenges/help needed

Foodsaving Worldwide.


In Progress

Network Health.


In Progress

Challenges/help needed

About the heartbeat.

The heartbeat is a biweekly summary of what happens in yunity. It is meant to give an overview over our currents actions and topics.

When and how does it happen?

Every other weekend we collect information on a wiki page and publish it on Sunday or the following Monday as a wiki blog article.

Afterwards we add a nice abstract and share it on facebook.

How to contribute?

Other heartbeats