Where to go from here

Day Seven

Saturday 2017-03-18

Participants: Janina Abels, Philip Engelbutzeder, Douglas Webb, Matthias Larisch, Bodhi Neiser, Lisa

The proposed group values were presented to Douglas Webb and Philip Engelbutzeder, who had nothing to criticise. They also agreed to the idea of updating the yunity.org page accordingly without any formal decision making process, as they also shared the opinion, that the people, to whom this matters, were already part of the process - be it in person or remotely - and that resistance can always be voiced. The values are seen as a proposal after all, and - of course -  we won't take any measures to force them on people anyways, so it's just a point of reference.

That yunity is a network and not a project, group or community was perceived as self-realization, rather than us deciding on that, by basically everyone present. This is how Doug put it into words:

yunity is dead (project)! Long live yunity (network)!

Yes, he actually pronounced the brackets... (wink)

What is the future of yunity.org?

Paul: It can be a portal for people interested in unconditional sharing.

Bodhi: We could provide links to the different projects and info and stuff. Possibly nicely structured and presented, to give interested people a good overview and a clear idea of what is what.

Matthias/Janina: We should remove the sign-up possibility, though, since onboarding would be more useful to be handled by the individual projects. Otherwise onboarding would be a separate project, like a 'yunity job center', where people can be pointed to the project they'd be most useful or interested in. This would need people to have a great overview and spend a lot of time on it and if there is nobody from us up for that right now, we should just disable the sign-up for now.

What is the future of WuppDays?

Philip: WuppDays are a nice format to connect movements. To me, they are about meeting in real life, in a frame, where space, food and water are free, so that people can concentrate on getting active together.

Doug: They are a snapshot of utopia and provide people with first-hand experience of how free living could look like.

Matthias: In a loose network, WuppDays only make sense in the scope of one single project. There could be Hackathons for the software projects, construction and/or community building focused WuppDays for the housing projects, networking and/or community building ones for foodsaving worldwide and so on.

Janina: And don't forget the glorious possibility of YuCu WuppDays! (big grin)

Matthias: Exactly, by separating all those topics we'd gain a lot of focus and clarity and this proably increase overall enjoyment as well.

What is the future of direct yunity communication channels like Slack and Confluence?

The debate wether we should only use open source software and get rid of our accounts on proprietary tools - like Slack and Confluence - was never finished. There are strong arguments for both sides (a wiki page collecting those, still needs to be written, sorry...) and the disagreement on them lead to a confusing multitude of different tools, which partly served the same purpose, and almost nobody knew anymore where what was discussed.

Matthias/Bodhi: Well if yunity is a network, then every project can decide for itself where it wants its communication to happen.

Janina: I don't want to miss Slack and Confluence. We already gathered so many people on these pages, it would be a shame to just delete all this. If we were to migrate, we'd lose a lot of users for sure.

What is the future of the yunity facebook, twitter etc. accounts?

Janina/Matthias: If yunity is a network, it shouldn't have individual people speaking for it. Let's not speak in the name of yunity anymore.

What to do with the accounts was not discussed in-depth and opinions differed. Do you have any input? Tell us!

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