Proposal for new yunity website

Proposal for new yunity website


Proposed byNick Sellen
ContributorsTilmann, Janina Abels
Statusgone through with
ReferenceSlack post


The page is outdated and confusing, let's make it a minimalist collection of links instead of adding lots of content!

There are two existing sites:

The main current one: https://project.yunity.org/

The new concept site that never was launched: https://yuca.yunity.org/

They have similar content, but the concept one has more polished design.

My proposal is to make a much simpler site, it would have a main page where each subproject can point people where they want. It would be most links.

  • foodsaving worldwide
    • foodsaving tool
    • foodsaving.today blog
  • foodsharing.de
  • glocall project
  • Wupphaus Bad Dürrenburg
  • Wupphaus Wurzen (or wait until it's more progressed?)
  • more? fewer?

There would also be a blog which would contain the heartbeat posts.

I would make it very simple and clean looking with white background etc. But it could be made nicer looking later on.

I would make it with https://getgrav.org/ (as I made https://foodsaving.today with it and it seemed nice). It would be translatable into any number of languages people want to support - initially by manually adding files to the git project, ideally later with a fancy system.

It would only use open source components and have no tracking/analytics or commenting system. It would be served from yuca (as other yunity websites). The code would be on github in the yunity org. Deployment would be manual git pull initially, could be auto deployed from github later.

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