Improve yunity wiki accessibility
- create archive space for outdated content (Tilmann) - /wiki/spaces/ARCHIVE/overview
- Foodsaving Worldwide Home proposal (Janina Abels)
- created archive label to mark soon-to-be-archived pages (Tilmann)
- ...
Idea dump
- create landing pages for the subtopics of yunity, which are heavily interlinked to replace the hierarchical order
- mark excellent articles (e.g with labels)
- add summaries to long but important articles
- move current code architecture descriptions and setup instructions to github, keep only specifications, plannings and meeting minutes on the wiki
- move pages to their subtopics
- archive team pages
- reorganize the "product team" subpages (currently under "foodsaving tool"): interesting ideas there but all mixed up between, multi-sharing platform and foodsaving tool
How to choose excellent articles?
Proposal: If you see a nice page, add the label "candidate". We then have an extra wiki page to collect candidates, and ask for resistance (~1 week). If there is none, give the page the label "excellent" (veto).
The list with excellent articles can be put on the wiki front page. New excellent articles can be highlighted in the heartbeat.
yunity subtopics
as mentioned on
- FSINT - Spread foodsharing and foodsaving worldwide.
- - Improve the existing platform and communication with the community
- Syscon - Use a formal approach for better group decisions.
- WuppHouse - A permanent place for yunity to thrive.
- Tours - Spread the word and build autonomous communities
- Structure - Collecting and improving tools to facilitate meetings
- Culture - Expect nothing, experience lots. Well-being and fun.
YUN space
- vision & mission & primary objective
- How we work: Do-ocracy, Awesome Active Autonomy
- community reports, heartbeat
- yunity-wide gatherings: festivals, future wuppbreaks
- how we collaborate: meeting & gathering culture
- introduction: how to use the wiki
- intro into other wiki spaces
- excerpts from landing pages (use excerpt macro)
- yunity-wide decisions (Syscon)
- project history
Content that could stay there for now
- Translation
- Research
- IT-Service
- WuppDays
- Cooking
- Getting Started
- Design Team
- Legal
- PR
Other spaces
Current yunity-related spaces
ARCHIVED (was Quellstadt) (ask Joachim)
ARCHIVED (was Syscon manual) (ask Joachim) + Dougs book
Proposed spaces
WuppHouse collaboration & development
Foodsaving tool
Structure (does exist in ARCHIVED (was Structure Team space), but is not in active use?)
Glocal (ask Paul)
Related content
To the extent possible under law, the yunity wiki contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the content of the yunity wiki. More information...
You have an account but can't edit or create pages? Write us in the open chatroom or in our yunity Slack!