BeweungsstifungBewegungsstifung: they start where others end, middle term and no detailed what the money was used for quite easy application → gemeinnütziger verein needed
they have a "basis förderung" which means long term support, but prior cooperation needed
fund especially protests, not entirely sure if we fit...?
- foerderung.sachsen.de → great database called FÖMISAX (partly also includes pots from Bund or EU)
- http://www.weltoffenes.sachsen.de/die-foerderrichtlinie.html
- http://www.kompetenznetzwerk-wohnen.de/sub/de/foerdermoeglichkeiten/
Funding from companies
- lush
- nicks company (co...?)
what can we do in order to apply for core costs? If not possible what would be a good alternative?
should we do it with the w.V. or a gemeinnütziger Verein?
what to be careful about in a application? How does a projektvorstellung look like?
other tips?