Personal motivations

The process described below was used over the course of two days in Harzgerode and started on 2017-03-13.

Participants: Paul Free, Laurina, Matthias Larisch, Janina Abels, Bodhi Neiser



Paul suggested that every participant first thinks about the question "What motivates/drives me?" for themselves to come up with several key words or phrases and write them down on little pieces of paper. Those should then be placed together on a big sheet, following a semantic order to organically form a cluster of similar contents. The group agreed to use this process.

The next proposed step was for everyone to indicate their approval to the mentioned motivations by drawing 0 to 5 circles on the respective pieces of paper, or an X for resistance/incomprehension. This was accepted as well.

Then we discussed how to form the individual clusters, which would then be addressed in more detail - really talking in-depth about every single motivation written down. To do that we used the following guiding questions:

  • What is x?
  • What are the risks and opportunities, that come with x being a motivation?
  • How can we reach or support x?

Cluster of personal motivations

We started in the middle of the sheet and worked our way clockwise to the upper left corner. In the process we changed the locations of some cards, since the meaning of the topics written down became clearer and made replacement necessary. The picture on which the following list is based was taken after finishing the process. These are the clusters and individual motivations on the sheet:

  • Community cluster
    • Collaboration
    • Atmosphere of support and social warmth
    • Social recognition
    • Social pressure
  • Purpose cluster
    • Spread joy to others with my actions
    • Purposeful, goal-oriented action
    • Fulfilling, purposeful action
  • Basic needs cluster
    • Basic needs
    • Hierarchy of needs
  • Learning cluster
    • Learning and curiosity
    • Insight
    • Interest and challenge
  • Freedom cluster
    • Freedom
    • Freedom from needs
  • Joy cluster
    • The good feeling of flow
    • The deep sense of feeling connected to everything, to simply be yourself and also enable others to feel that
    • Joy
  • Care cluster
    • Mindfulness
    • Rest

Day Two

Monday 2017-03-13

Community cluster


First Paul, who wrote this card, put emphasis on the difference between collaboration and cooperation:


Collaboration implies a shared vision, a connection on the level of conviction and values, while cooperation does not.


  • Elitist conviction due to lack of opposing views
  • Marginalizing of people, who are not completely in line


  • High performing teams
  • Lots of focus because of high clarity

How to reach collaboration?

  • Clarity about one's own worldview and conviction
  • Honest and transparent communication about values

Atmosphere of support and social warmth

Card by Matthias.


A pleasant communal spirit, born from interpersonally expressed appreciation and supportive acts of friendship.


  • Inhonesty due to not wanting to disturb the peace
  • Pseudo-harmony
  • Too much focus on a nice atmosphere; not goal-oriented


  • More progress because people help each other out
  • Ease of mind can lead to more focus and better output

How to strenghthen an atmosphere of support and social warmth?

  • Behaving mindfully, considerate and friendly
  • Communicating appreciatively, especially when uttering criticism
  • Being patient and trusting in interaction with others

Social recognition

Card by Janina.


Appreciation from others for things that I do, say or stand for. It needs to show that the one recognizing me actually took the time to engage with what (s)he says to recognize, otherwise it's superficial and cannot count as motivation.


  • Letting oneself being manipulated by people one wants to be recognized by
  • Too much focus on recognition; not goal-oriented


  • Socially compatible actions due to focus on other people's opinion
  • If known, one can choose the people to impress and thereby setting the general direction of one's action oneself

How to support social recognition?

  • Giving positive feedback, if something was nicely done
  • Being aware of the influence praise can have on certain people and not misusing it

Social pressure

Card by Janina.


The negative perspective to 'social recognition': Motivation via the internalized idea others might have.
Also directly exerted social pressure, by - consciously or unconsciously - words being said or actions being carried out by multiple people.


  • Letting oneself being manipulated by social pressure
  • Too much focus on pleasing people, not goal-oriented


  • Socially compatible actions due to focus on other people's opinion
  • If known by oneself, one can make use of internalized social pressure by simply telling other people of one's plans to make sure to go through with them

How to handle social pressure?

  • Being aware of the influence group dynamics can have on people new to a certain environment and the pressure that comes with it
  • Staying appreciative of differing ways to argue and behave to lessen social pressure
  • Pointing out when people behave in ways that create social pressure

Purpose cluster

Spread joy to others with my actions

Card by Matthias.


The nice feeling it gives, when I see that my work enhanced the joy of other people. It's not necessary for them to know that it was me, who did the good thing.


  • Too much focus on pleasing people, not goal-oriented
  • Emotional blunting to suffering due to focus on joy


  • Actions of purpose for others

This was the last card we discussed that day, mainly because the 'how' lead us to different questions of morality, namely:

  • Is it better per se to easy suffering instead of raising joy?
  • Is easing suffering that, what I see as my main mission in life? Is it what drives me?
  • If not, do I need to be ashamed or try to change that?

Paul and Laurina advanced the view that easing suffering is always more important than raising joy, because e.g. inviting a hundred sufficiently nourished people to a fancy restaunrant, instead of providing one starving person with a decent meal is of no value or logic to them.

Matthias, Janina and Bodhi found it untrue to dismiss the value of raising joy in general, since it can have lots of indirect implications and this one example is too simple to display them all. There are many ways to do good in the world, and surely, easing suffering is a very important one of them (!), but what if that's just not what motivates me..?

Laurina suggested to get exposed to real suffering to sensitize oneself to it. That would surely raise motivation to get active in that regard... She explained that we have a special position in this world, being citizens of a stable and powerful state, being highly educated and having so much privilege in general, that allows us to think deeply about who we are and what we want to do, that we need to use this gift to help change the world for real. "If we don't do it, who will?"

Janina likes the spirit, but can't help but see it as youthful enthusiasm sometimes (even though she does understand its significance some other times). She shared how she just lost the big belief in the possibility to change how the entire world works in one lifetime and how that made her resign and aim for smaller, more tangible goals instead.

Matthias added that it's not even his goal to attack the general world order and that he just wants to offer alternative lifestyles to people instead, to which Paul replied that it's not possible to offer a true alternative inside the system. He explained that if an alternative approach gets too successful it will face resistance from the current system and if it sticks to the law it will be either slowly but steadily assimilated (by obeying to one order after the other, all of them seemingly little but adding onto each other) or eradicated, if the decision to disobey is made too late and thus not sufficiently prepared. Matthias and Bodhi expressed disbelief in the severity the state would react with. They both believe that the German law is something that can grant security, if applied right. A perspective, which Paul and Laurina firmly rejected.

Day Three

Tuesday 2017-03-14

Continuation of purpose cluster

Purposeful action

Cards by Matthias and Bodhi.


Action, that serves the purpose of reaching a goal. Something, that makes sense, because it has significance.


  • No interest in important but recurring tasks.
  • Different, unclear or contradictory definitions of purpose.


  • Thoughtful proceeding.

How to make actions purposeful?

  • Getting clear on the personal, as well as the shared understanding of purpose.
  • Align the possibly different interpretations and approaches to purposeful action.
  • Evaluate past actions with regards to their effectiveness.

Basic needs cluster

Basic needs

Card by Bodhi.


The basal motivation to satisfy the bodily needs of food, water and shelter.


  • Too much focus on basic needs, not goal-oriented.


  • Being aware of these needs holds the possibility of controlling them better, if deemed useful in a certain situation.

How to handle basic needs?

Learning cluster

Learning and curiosity

Card by Laurina.


The perspective, that everything can be interesting, if one has a certain access to it. The hope to encounter or the active search for new experiences and ideas.


  • Already known things can seem boring.
  • Too much focus on new experience, not goal-oriented.


  • An open mind, full of different ideas can come up with creative solutions.
  • General curiosity lets one see the world in brighter colors.

How to support learning and curiosity?

  • Discussing topics of interest, sharing knowledge with others.
  • Inspiring others with one's own enthusiasm for a topic and vice versa.


Card by Janina.


The mental orgasm, that comes with an epiphany. The moment, when you suddenly understand, when your horizon broadens and a relation suddenly makes sense.


  • False insights, if the train of thought contained undetected mistakes.
  • Too much focus on personal understanding, not necessarily useful for others.


  • A broad horizon can lead to better judgement and fairer and more effective behavior.
  • A deep insight leads to enthusiasm, that can be inspiring for others, too.

How to enable people to have real insights?

  • Engaging with a topic over a longer period of time.
  • Discussing insights with others, to make sure the logic behind them actually makes sense.

Interest and challenge

Card by Matthias.


Engaging with your areas of interest. Applying knowledge to solve problems and thus meeting challenges.


  • Already known things can seem boring and boring tasks are not tackled.
  • Tasks, that are 'too easy' are not taken care of.


  • The willingness to engage deeply with a topic.
  • The willingness to apply gained knowledge to creatively solve real problems.

How to support interest-driven action?

  • Articulating clear tasks, that can serve as challenges.
  • Discussing topics of interest with others to spread your enthusiasm.

Freedom cluster


Card by Paul.


Freedom #1: Individual freedom. Ability to do what you want, without restrictions. The deep realization that everythig is possible and that you don't need to justify your actions for anybody else than yourself.

Freedom #2: Collective freedom. The understanding that your personal freedom is dependent on your surroundings and that it only grows together with the freedom of everyone. The deep realization that taking on responsibility is what strengthens your freedom.

Freedom #1


  • Isolation.
  • Self-righteousness.


  • Complete consequence in the personal conviction, without any external influence.
  • The possibility to become the master of one's own inner universe.

How to reach freedom #1?

  • Getting rid of the need to be liked by others.
  • Freeing yourself from every obligation.

Freedom #2


  • Submission to the needs of the group.
  • Ignorance to one's own - maybe selfish - driving forces.


  • To create surroundings, which are based on what the group truly wants.
  • To be part of a deeply connected community.

How to reach freedom #2?

  • Understanding yourself and your own driving forces to be able to then question them.
  • Overcoming the modern focus on fun, joy and relaxation.
  • Taking responsibility for your role in the bigger picture.

Freedom from needs

Card by Bodhi.


The freedom that arises from not needing much.


  • Over-reduction that is detrimental to your health.
  • That the reduction of needs ends in itself.


  • The ability to adapt your needs to your values and possibilities.

How to support the reduction of needs?

  • Thinking about the real, deep meaning of the term 'need'.
  • Deciding what to consume based on one's conviction, instead of other influences.

Joy cluster

The good feeling of flow

Card by Laurina.


Laurina flow: A deep certainty to be on the right track, that sparks a feeling of interconnectivity with basically everything.

Butze flow: The pleasant process of things getting done, without having them planned; simply because things fall into place, opportunities arise and people join in.

Energized focus: The mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed, so that everything comes naturally and progress is easy.


  • Focus on a feeling, not goal-oriented per se.
  • Laurina flow could be wrong, leading to severe disappointment.
  • Butze flow could fail, leaving things chaotic.
  • Butze flow could work only because people feel the pressure to jump in, leaving them stressed out in the end.


  • High productivity and big enjoyment at the same time.
  • Laurina flow can provide reassurement for decisions already taken, and thus prevent unnessecary doubts and worries.
  • Butze flow encourages trust in others, strengthens a positive attitude and decreases general fear or failing.
  • Butze flow empowers people to take action by simply leaving space for that.

How to support flow?

  • Laurina Flow: Can only be supported by oneself.
  • Butze Flow: By leaving gaps in the planning, for others to jump in and opportunities to arise. By being open to new developments.
  • Energized focus: Having clearly specified tasks and goals. Feeling legitimized to proceed. No pressure, but joy.

The deep sense of feeling connected to everything, to simply be yourself and also enable others to feel that

Card by Laurina.


Profound love. The clam but still buzzing happiness, that makes everything look beautiful and feel good. Not necessarily sparked by or directed at a person.


  • Focus on a feeling, not goal-oriented per se, can actually be distracting.
  • Can be abused like a drug.


  • Lots of positive energy.
  • Positive outlook on the future, thus trust in the group and the endeavor.

How to encourage love?

  • Allowing for deep feelings to develop, without being afraid to get hurt.
  • Taking the time to consciously feel.
  • Openly sharing this appreciation with others, actively lowering one's guard.


Card by Janina.


Fun, happiness, joy - a good feeling that makes you want to continue with what you're doing.


  • Too much focus on fun; not goal-oriented.
  • Can be abused like a drug.


  • High productivity if fun is integrated in a good way.
  • Long-lasting motivation.

How to integrate fun?

  • Gamification!
  • Having a nice group atmosphere, where working together with the other people already holds enjoyment.

Care cluster


Card by Paul.


Being aware of one's surroundings and behave in a considerate manner.


  • Being too focused on others an forgetting about oneself in the process.


  • A community, where everything works, because everybody feels responsible for everything.
  • A community with a truly amicable atmosphere.

How to strenghten mindfulness?

  • Taking the time to perceive and to process the input.
  • Tackling a task, when getting aware of it.


Card by Paul.


Sleep, relaxation, regeneration: Everything that restores physical and mental energy.


  • Lazyness.


  • Better performance.

How to ensure rest?

  • Listening to the signal's of one's body.
  • Scheduling in a way that has space for breaks.

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