Things that are needed

Things that are needed

You can for example use https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/https://jasprtrades.com/, the local recycling company, https://www.freecycle.org/, the projekteverteiler Leipzig and other sharing websites

good luck! (smile)

Things that are needed:

  • building material:
  • plastering, Putz
  • electrical cables, Stromkabel
  • waterpipes (steel, 1/2 and 3/4 inch), Wasserleitungen (Stahl, 1/2 und 3/4 Zoll)
  • ladders

  • living/office material: 
  • matresses,
  • bedding plus sheets and cushions,
  • kitchen (probably two) plus everything needed for it like pots, pans, cutlery, herbs and spices,
  • wardrobes, shelves
  • tables, chairs
  • lamps and bulbs

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