There is a very basic autoloading applied, that changes with the front-controller that is being used.
It is useful, to work towards a PSR-4 autoloading. That is already used for tests.
Page-based autoloading
Index front controller
The index
front-controller loads the module that is given in the page
URI parameter:
model/page.model.php (also reinitializes
global with new PageModel if model file exists
XHR front controller
The XHR front-controller does no autoloading. All methods are directly called ( xhr_func
), they are defined in
API front controller
See App-based autoloading below.
App-based autoloading
After some time, a new module structure called "app" was invented. To use that, the auto-loaded controller has to explicitly call it (e.g. loadApp('basket')
That will trigger the loading of some more files:
require_once ROOT_DIR.'app/core/core.control.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR.'app/core/core.model.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR.'app/core/core.view.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR.'app/'.$app.'/'.$app.'.control.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR.'app/'.$app.'/'.$app.'.model.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR.'app/'.$app.'/'.$app.'.view.php'; require_once ROOT_DIR.'lang/DE/'.$app.'.lang.php'; if(isset($_GET['lang']) && $_GET['lang'] == 'en') { $fn = ROOT_DIR.'lang/EN/'.$app.'.lang.php'; if(file_exists($fn)) { require_once $fn; } } addJsFunc(file_get_contents(ROOT_DIR.'app/'.$app.'/'.$app.'.script.js')); addStyle(file_get_contents(ROOT_DIR.'app/'.$app.'/'.$app.'.style.css'));
Also, JavaScript and CSS are added into the header part of the generated page.
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