Humans need to eat. Some people buy their food. Some grow it in their garden. People at yunity usually save food. We go dumpster diving or have cooperations with supermarkets, farmer's markets, bakeries and so on. But there is also a lot of food growing just like that outside on the streets, in forest, in parks, almost everywhere. It is a huge variety!
People nowadays usually see these herbs as pest plants. But they are not! 
Wild herbs are very important for the nature as they maintain the biodiversity and are nutrition for bees, other insects and humans. People used to harvest these herbs as they do not need any gardening support or care. Wild herbs are not breeded. Normally wild herbs have a stronger and more intensive taste which makes them really good for cooking. And you can also just snack them while lying somewhere outside (maybe during some outdoor-lamâshing?).

It is important to save wasted food and this food is our main food supply but wild herbs are so healthy and delicious (and for free of course) that we want to spread the knowledge about them. And also to make people appreciate mother nature a bit more.

I really want to thank Sylvia at this point, as she actually initiated the motivation and curiosity about the wild herbs and started to teach us what she knows about them.


On this page we can collect information about wild herbs or garden herbs that we know and that are available in central Europe (if they only grow in specific climatic areas, please note it)

What is important to know:


What is also nice to know about the plant: