2017-03 mainly done Action Points and results (Task list)

    Discussion about state intervention: Black-hat scenarios and decisions (Doug)
    Clarify the use of linear time (Doug)
    How to increase awareness the potential problems, about drugs and in doing so help people autonomously avoid them (Frank)
    Research on shared economy (Bodhi, Doug)
    Continuous value integration (Doug)
    Ownership of property by foreign countries legal entities (Bodhi)
    Write a holistic proposal for conflict resolution (Doug, Frank)
    Coordinating better (meetings, people who want to be at a meeting)
    Going through the 30.03. meeting to collect topics and questions.
    Discussing concrete, early floorplan ideas (what rooms do you need soon? / also should include the privacy discussion on sleeping spaces) (Matthias)

Extracted Questions (going through meeting minutes to extract topics that are not explicitly stated as todo/discussion but seem reasonable):
    Structure and hierarchy inside the house (guests/group), (forced?) meetings, decision making (who participates?), remote participation, coordination
    Expanding the group: How to become a member? What does this imply? (legal membership?)
    Do we have requirements on members? (gender, profession, mindset etc.) 
    needs of existing group (what exactly needed/to do there? may be very concrete)
    Define the onboarding process
    how to handle money in the house?
    how to sustain the house? (when is money okay? What with work nobody does/knows?)
    How to handle people doing paid labour in the house (stack up money? Little time left)?
    How to handle money for concrete things in the house (e.g. a free workshop vs. needed bought material for that workshop?)
    Is there a concrete conflict resolution process, how does it look like?
    Do we have communication guidelines, how do they look like?
    How does the integration of external projects work (e.g. rooms being used by others/timetable/when to start?)
    How can the social and cultural ideology of the house be sustained when the group changes / is this even a goal?
    Community building by Susanne - who should participate, what do we communicate?
    What is the purpose of the house? What are our individual ideas about that, how to combine?
    What does group exclusion mean? (Exclusion from community vs open spaces)
    Property of guests?
    How should property / items be handled? Refer to 2017-03-31 talks, proposals and decision needed. (Vague outcome: Don't define too much, rely on conflict resolution)
    Meeting guidelines to avoid dominance (for example by always facilitating) and allow understanding (language?)

    Banks: GLS Geschäftskonto 8€/mon + 12ct/booking, Triodos 4,50€/mon + 14ct/booking, Ethikbank 5€/mon no booking fee, fidor (completely free)
    Discussion about sharing scarce resources regarding conflict/right/community/equality/acceptability (Doug)


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