The Meeting that happened on the 20th of September was called upon by Zedyunity-member Z, for the reason of unhappiness with the current state of structure of yunity-decision-making and especially the loose responsability-management that would in her/his opinion possibly lead to dangerous activities and even eventually to the drifting apart of the whole group, after experiencing difficulties regarding that the previous days and even months, resulting in a call for interim-guidelines to steer the group away from hazard, as far as I, Birke, understood her/his propositions.
I was given the responsability to moderate this meeting resulting in a somewhat large group i.e. ~10 individuals stating their general understanding of organisation, how it is done so far and how one wishes it would be done by their standards. As I am certain, that Doug is working on a version of how it has been done generally with examples of the systems that used that certain version of organisation this article will focus on the way it should generally be done by the standards of the author, hopefully developing by future edits to include the standards of more interested individuals possibly even the whole groups. During the end of the meeting it was proposed to think of decision-making and organisationstrucuring organisationstructuring experiments, that could be tested on future WuppDays to progress towards a working organisational structure for decision-making for all of yunity to be approved. The meeting ended with a paradoxical dilemma introduced by Doug about decision-making which was: How can we decide on a standard deciondecision-making system without a standard decision-making system?
1.Definition: At the first stage in an attempt to get something done in a organized fashion a plan/vision is formed by a single member or multiple members and then layed out as detailed as possible and necessary towards everyone onvolved involved by a mean deemed fit and accessible. Usually this would adress the needs of a any number of members or the whole group.
2.Agreement/Compromise: In the next step the existing plans/visions of every participant need to be accumulate accumulated to a common plan/vision to be enforced as asingle a single entity. If a certain situation would benefit greatly from not acting as single entity and the participants can agree on splitting up, trying to solve the goal each on their own, that option should be considered available as well. That should not be the case, if the participants are failing to agree on a common plan.