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a community-garden has a lot of potential. Gardeners need to be patient and reliable and through the regular meeting of the people many things can evolve. It makes happy to work with earth and to litteraly see what grows from ones seeds (smile) !


(smile) !


values, vision:

communual part: plants that grow several years (mehrjährige Pflanzen) like raspberries, red/black-currant, gooseberry (Stachelbeere) bushes, fruit trees

more pivate parts that belong to projects from school

contact local school/s if they are interested in helping setting up the garden, make an AG or implement it otherwise in their concept
→ some founding?
→ maybe the local cantines want to cook some of the food? (then it would need to be bigger - longer term thing but can already start thinking about!)
contact local gardeners esp. organical ones if they are interested to do something there help setting it up, give courses or else

very non-closely linked to the Kanthäuser, potential to evolve on its own, want to start the initiative, help set first vision


from November

elaborate on the concept, write it down (long and short version -legal requirements? connect and ask other similar projects),
maybe ask Lara for the Solidarity-calendar

start connecting with officials/the town if they would give a piece of land for that, under what conditions

end of the yearmeeting with interested people, collect ideas who wants to do what, have what and who wants to take onresponsibility for certain things? How will the structure be?
beginning of the yearOrganize things and build the infrastructure
spring (march beginning of april)start planting


