yunity and noomap

yunity and noomap

After listening to my first introductory talk about noomap and participating in the following discussion, i have the impresion, that their vision is even bigger than ours in a way. Curtis said, they basically want to rewrite the internet and having seen Chris' demonstrations i think they're right, that's exactly what they do. But that does also mean, that their approach is a much more technologically one than ours. yunity's main goal is to promote real life communities, mutual trust and unconditional sharing - there is no difference in that regard to noomap - , but while yunity focuses on the interpersonal contact first and wants to make use of technology that already exists - like the internet - , noomap tries to improve the very internet itself on a structural and technical level, and make it more fair and humane, so that it eventually leads to a better society just by its structure and the arising possibilities of it.

Noomap and yunity have a lot in common: We share the same vision and we support our respective missions, but we are two different projects. If noomap succeeds in restructuring the internet yunity could fit in there perfectly, but if the yunity platform is developed before this great digital paradigm shift is realized, it will also work in conventional online structures. I also see no problem with yunity having a noomap hub for networking and presentational purposes while also existing as an independent app with own servers at the same time, until noomap could maybe take over that task.

How can yunity and noomap benefit from each other in this phase of creation and development? Are we unnecessarily doubling our workload if we don't merge right away?

I'd say no, because, as stated above, we are still two different - though similarly awesome! - projects, with different focus areas. It would be great to cooperate, to co-create and to synergize through discussions and exchanges of ideas, skills and resources, but it would be a shame if one project got abandoned because all of the members of one team were to join the other. I'm not 100% sure, that my impression of this is right, since my understanding of the underlying technology is fragmentary at best, but i have the strong feeling that noomap and yunity should be more like siblings than lovers.

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