Collaboration possibilities

Collaboration possibilities

Not a very precise task

Explore the collaboration possibilities that yunity has with:

  • foodsharing.de: figuring out where the code is, who owns the code, and a lot of other things... 

    Check out the foodsharing.de page where we try to keep the communication between yunity & foodsharing.de updated

    Our best contacts with the community are through:
    Kristijan Miklobusec, ambassador in Mainz, formerly part of the Orgateam - wants to improve communication between yunity & foodsharing
    Matthias Larisch, keeping the platform running, formerly part of the Orgateam - prefers writing code to talking to ambassadors
    Bodhi Neiser, very involved at the beginning, formerly part of the Orgateam - a bit worn out of the foodsharing.de's complicated structure

  • Sharecy: what are their goals? how likely is it that they will get the platform out by May, 2017? What are they doing to prevent the monetization of the platform?

     Nick's summary

    Across all of food waste, foodsharing is probably only likely to save some small-ish percentage of it, a lot of waste is due to higher level food distribution type stuff. The idea is to try and operate at that level, instead of a bike trailer of food, think a truck of food. Instead of a fair share point, think of a warehouse. A software system would then allow buyers and sellers in a marketplace to offer/receive food, with sharecy taking a cut of any profits.

    All organisations involved with food waste would be able to take part, Tafel, Foodsharing, etc... The current plan includes implementing software that would replace foodsharing.de, but I suspect this would prove too difficult/complex and confuse the core product. I have suggested that an API-based approach where sharecy could interact with foodsharing via API (e.g. if there is some available food for free, that it could automatically create food baskets) would be best for everyone, keeping foodsharing a free and volunteer-based thing.

    They are taking a much more startup-y approach, and are working with https://www.linkedin.com/in/apiutti who made his experience and money in paid advertising platforms, I am suspicious of startup business people like this, but they trust that his vision is aligned with theirs. At the moment they don't have devs involved, but within a month or two it should become more concrete.

    My intention is to stay in contact, and push the API approach as a good solution - support them to work on their vision, support foodsharing to keep it's own vision, and support them to interact via API where it makes sense to both. I am not interested in working directly for them as my current interest is in grassroots volunteer organisations, but I am very open for other people trying other approaches.

    The company would be non-profit, but use money, and pay people. It is intended to make the software open source.

  • Foodsharing Edinburgh: rumor has it they have two developers working on a foodsharing platform. Let's find out what they're doing, what are their main requests for the platform features, when the platform will be released, if we can cooperate, etc.!
    Code on Github: https://github.com/ClaaziX/foodshare

  • Any other existing initiative: some of them have developed mobile apps. Why not make our lives easier and join efforts?

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