Collaboration possibilities
Not a very precise task
Explore the collaboration possibilities that yunity has with: figuring out where the code is, who owns the code, and a lot of other things...
Check out the page where we try to keep the communication between yunity & updated
Our best contacts with the community are through:
Kristijan Miklobusec, ambassador in Mainz, formerly part of the Orgateam - wants to improve communication between yunity & foodsharing
Matthias Larisch, keeping the platform running, formerly part of the Orgateam - prefers writing code to talking to ambassadors
Bodhi Neiser, very involved at the beginning, formerly part of the Orgateam - a bit worn out of the's complicated structure
...Sharecy: what are their goals? how likely is it that they will get the platform out by May, 2017? What are they doing to prevent the monetization of the platform?
- Foodsharing Edinburgh: rumor has it they have two developers working on a foodsharing platform. Let's find out what they're doing, what are their main requests for the platform features, when the platform will be released, if we can cooperate, etc.!
Code on Github: - Any other existing initiative: some of them have developed mobile apps. Why not make our lives easier and join efforts?
To the extent possible under law, the yunity wiki contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the content of the yunity wiki. More information...
You have an account but can't edit or create pages? Write us in the open chatroom or in our yunity Slack!