2017-07-20 Bootstrapping begins!

2017-07-20 Bootstrapping begins!


2017/07/19 evening


doug, tilmann, nick, matthias

high level summary

4 people arrived in building, trying to bootstrap now! two focuses:

  1. support people to live in basic conditions in order to fix roof to prevent further damage
  2. social structure is "pre-constitution", should progress towards getting constitution established


  • current state of building
  • immediate living situation
  • find free stuff on ebay kleinanzeigan
  • how to manage tasks
  • how to manage ourselves and people (initial/immediate social structure)
  • create a collection of tasks (sorted by urgency)
  • founding members and founding agreements and constitution
  • continuous presence? when should we aim for it
  • local engagement (public website, plus finding related projects)

(we did not cover all topics)

building stuff

water problems because of roof issue everything else seems fine

immediate living situation

living in number 20 first floor. facilities basic: no internet, no electricity, cold water. toilet flush not really working, use a bucket. cooking: no kitchen, using camping stoves, mouldy wood, whatever. office room with a table! bring own electricity and internet :) there are camping chairs! plates and cutlery available. sleeping room with camping mats in, no mattresses.

immediate social structure

can we accept visitors? informal basis. get in touch. too early to have a proper structure. don't just turn up.

how to organise tasks?

github issues? because of no internet, not possible. probably just a daily meeting, if somebody wants to write it down, then it's useful. start getting heads together if interest to make a solution when the internet is available.

doug thinks: get social thing to begin with. how does the grouping work. don't want to descend into amorphous structure (bad durrenberg, and a bit of harzgerode).

idea to have a wall in the office in building 20. get some pins to put bits of paper on. we have no pins yet...

current plans

nick until sunday/monday

tilmann until tuesday

matthias next week, but come back soon

doug longer term, but visit other places soon

idea to close down building next week.

initial tasks that we think need doing


needs investigating, present people will investigate. find leaks, fix worst ones.

info so far: currently bitumen shingle things that are close to the end of their life. suggestion from matthias to fix things that no water arrives immediately and fix whole roof sometime next year. lots of leaks in different places. total roof area is ~300sqm, area that needs fixing is ~50sqm or less. doug wonders if we commit to the full fix next year then we can make smallest possible fixes now (matthias agrees, and that that means much less than 50sqm). rain tomorrow means we can mark the spots from the inside. unfortunately we don't have masks to prevent mould inhalation, but should be ok. we have climbing ropes, need to get gas bottle. matthias leaves on friday 7pm, and that is the time we have the gas burner thing until. as the fix is for < one year. we can buy cheapest kind as it's the most temporary fix. cutting in bad durrenberg was bad, maybe need some better cutting tools. all of this is a suggestion, so should be agreed/discussed. a roll of bitumen material costs 7EUR for 5sqm. or cheapest kind 4EUR 5sqm. aim for 10-15sqm. need to check how it is walking on the roof.

some of the bits of the inside of the roof are hard to access, and tilmann wonders if we could build some scaffolding from existing bits of wood in the house. ums and urrs from doug and matthias. matthias thinks we might get there with a ladder. doug wonders whether reusing that wood is a good idea. matthias points out that wood is not very useful in its current use - not good enough for proper room dividers. we have only mediocre tools here right now.

other structural things

building 20 has a water leak in the gas heating system in the ground floor. means we can't turn on the ground floor water, and hence no gas heating.

the heating system is broken in the first floor in our office room. needs some fixing.

some tasks

number/name the rooms. discussions about whether to use sketchup to build a model of the buliding. not needed for now though.

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