Ideas for a Küfa and information afternoon

The kitchen for all (after this called küfa).
It could be a first event where we can meet the local community regularly and it can have great potential to let great things emerge - that's just what happens when people get to know each other, find trust and want to get active together (wink) it can be a good low level entry if it takes place once a week we will have time for us the rest of the week and can concentrate on the house and our community-life which are the most important at the beginning.
This should also be communicated clearly to the people that come to the house- from the town or from the network-.

Beginning-mid September:

  • find out if there are any legal requirements for a Küfa, get in contact with city officials about that, maybe get help from the ndk for that
    → probably, they already have contact to the officials
  • make and distribute flyers (with invitation, short info about the house and our vision and ideas)
  • make a concept for a sharing board and set it up
    (, which categories? needs/ich bauche, I can give/ich kann geben, my dreams,...? possibly a Fairteiler/free shelve) → maybe outside??
  • organize material for the children-activities at the first küfa (pencils, paper, chalk, a football, games,...)

mid-end of September:

  • start of the Küfa with an officially (via flyers and newspaper) announced information-afternoon

after that:

  • regular running Küfa e.g. every friday evening - cooking starts at 4pm, food from 6pm
  • maybe after a while set up a plan for who cooks when, involve more people (so that the küfa can run with less of our input)


  • what about drinks in the Küfa, how can we organize a cool way? We have some free beer (3/person/evening?) other drinks from festivals? After gone-by date drinks (ask bodhi and ask around in factories), self-made stuff??
  • Is starting at 4pm early enough for food at 6pm?
  • Is the day appropriate?

The Information-afternon

announced and held together with the first Küfa.
→ flyers, newspaper article keep it to Wurzen, we want to keep it small at the beginning and activate the local community - people from Leipzig will come early enough (wink) -

A short speech:

  • telling about the house,
  • the vision (we are here because... Laurina because I want to actively and positively shape the society and because there are great people here!), 
  • our plan (first focus on comunity and the houses itself but many ideas like a community-garden that also go more outside)
  • organizational information, (toilets, how long it will go on for, where to go and not to go( building site) in the house)
  • how we envision the küfa to work  (interested people are invited to come at 4pm on fridays and help cooking, - food from 6pm, every week from now on), 
  • explain the sharing board

→ and now we can do a first trial of the sharing board: 

Involve the guests:

  • Each present person gets two pieces of paper
    1.write down what you are really good at (would like to give?)
    2. what are you looking for (do you need/is your dream)


  • everyone says their name and reads out what he/she has written on the pieces of paper
    → then put them on the sharing board

Possible other actvities:

  • kids corner with playing/drawing material
  • drawing with chalk on the houses/the street
  • possibly later games, going for a swim in the river together

The Flyer

Information there will be some activities for kids (a creative corner, chalk painting on the street/house from outside,...?)

  • invitation for Küfa-opening event and information afternoon (Küfa-eröffnung und Informationsnachmittag in den Kanthäusern Wurzen)
  • Invitation for the regular event → every friday evening - cooking starts at 4pm, food from 6pm
  • short info about the house
  • our vision and ideas
  • pictures

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