This is a draft of a survey to be presented to people in the yunity network and to other groups out there using different sharing tools. The main questions will be:

1 - "What kind of features would you like to have on a multisharing platform?" and 2 - "What should be prioritized in the development of this platform? Please rank the features from 1 (the most important) to 7 (the less important)".

The following table will be presented, except the column "results", which will be a column with checkboxes for answering questions 1 and a rank for 2.

Note that for a detailed discussion of each feature a separate page shall be created.

FeatureDescription / Example (+ screenshot of examples)Results
Notice board or classified ads (by category, location, etc.)  E-bay kleineanzeigen (DE) or

Map with the offer and wantsItems offered are displayed on a map.
Lend and borrow toolKeeps track of how long you lend or borrow an item, to/from whom, and send reminders. or
Trust system (tokens, references or who knows who)There is one or more verify or build trust among users. Such as vouchers and personal references in the case of Couchsurfing, or the token of banana in Foodsharing.
Saving tool to coordinate team workA tool to coordinate teamwork in picking up items, displaying where, when and who. Example:
Community / Social featuresChat, forums, walls, find and add friends, etc.
Sharing groups (common pool items)Create groups, private or public, to share things with people you trust, or just for talking...