Setting up foodsharing in Copenhagen and Rotterdam proved to be quite easy with some enthusiastic foodsavers who brought their experience spending some time there to help the motivated locals to get everything going. That's why we came up with the idea to continue following this approach to simply go places and get things started to then let the local people take over and run their foodsaving and -sharing themselves.


To have a media kit with info material already translated into the language of the place we want to work in will be extremely helpful.
Things that could/should be part of this kit:

When a facebook group is created in advance, we directly have people to work with.


August 2016: The general idea got this concrete in the beginning of the WuppDays Kirchheim II. FSINt will be presented at the German foodsharing festival in Berlin, 12-14 August 2016.

September 2016: WuppBreak at Tilmann's place in the first half, Janina Abels will go to Poland in the second half (mainly vacation but also to reconnect to foodsharing Warsaw.) Philip Engelbutzeder will be at Tilmann's place in the beginning of Sep and then go to Turkey for 3 weeks.

October 2016:  Matthias Larisch said that the lean foodsaving tool could be usable by that time.

November 2016:

December 2016: Christmas in Turkey at Philip Engelbutzeder's father's place..? (smile) 


Let's collect a pool of interested people, who would be up for traveling and carrying the foodsharing project to different places! The most important question being: Who is available when?

Please enter yourself here, if you'd like to be part of this!