This page is about yunity book club - a new initiative created from the need of exploring the world of books, articles and writings in general, and doing it in a collaboration - doing it together, sharing the experience of this amazing jungle of letters. On this site you can find why, how, what and when. Feel free to also join the corresponding channel #book_club on Slack.


Why study together? Because sharing the world of the written word is awesome! That is what yunity book_club is about - reading, discussing, experimenting and gaining new knowledge together, collect new perspectives, widen your horizon, enjoy the beauty of semantics! It is an opportunity to read fiction and non-fiction, philosophical, scientific and community related writings.

We lose ourselves in what we read, only to return to ourselves, transformed and part of a more expansive world — in short, we become more critical and more capacious in our thinking and our acting

Judith butler 



Whatever we would like; fiction, nonfiction, theory, novels, cartoons, poetry, articles, ypu name it! If you think it's relevant and worth reading, then others will probably agree.. Lets do it!

Proposed literature in alphabetic order (author - title, theme, link):


