Present: Janina Abelsfritz holscherTilmannTais RealSelina Camile, Lara S., Anja KonhäuserPaul FreeAnna O'Neill, Max, Axel KalitzkiAdrean LiegelZed RedstoneLucas Scheliga, Kasper, Philip Engelbutzeder (on skype), Adam
Notary: Tais Real
Location: Neuried, München


The Foodsaving International Tours : get a common vision, get down to planning

[Meeting begins: 11:40]


Sharing our visions for the tour

Using pieces of paper, we read out loud and position these ideas trying to follow certain categories. A possible combination of 4 categories:

foodshaving in practice

internal structure - no hierarchy, more love, functioning communities

learn more about foodsharing in different cultural contexts

transforming hierarchies

allow communities to become self-aware so that they can use the tool


meet foodsaving initiatives → adapt the platform according to their needs

inspire, get inspired, organize structure, to inform, to connect, to learn

get personal feedback from the foodsaving tool

openness : everybody should feel invited

support emerging communities and help them with foodsharing experience

group actions in the streets, creating events

plant seeds for starting foodsharing (theoretically speaking)

education : a traveling school

offer tools to aid organization

wider yunity network