Recently voices have been raised criticizing the unclear interpersonal relationships in lamâsching circles. It is true, since nobody wears a sign stating their mood, expectations and wishes it can be hard to figure out what is appropriate to do in a given situation. This general issue was already raised in the initial stages of lamâsching culture, without offering a fixed solution. Following the definition lamâsching is "to really, truly, deeply appreciate someone's presence" and also to express this sentiment physically. The amount of time spent on this expression or the intensity of doing so, however, is not specified.

The initial call for participation in this page can be found in this personal article by Janina Abels.

The following table is meant to offer a rough overview of the wishes and circumstances of frequent lamâschers, to make judging situations of physical closeness more doable. Still, metacommunication is appreciated and full clarity of the nature of a relationship can only be found in direct face-to-face conversations!

Suggestions for categories describing 'Lamâsching Availability':

The preferences stated here are subject to fluid changes due to the open and flexible emotional approach the full incorporation of the yunity mindset encourages. Also, every day and every hour is different: If someone loves to cuddle during the night, (s)he may want to concentrate on work during the day and find lamâsching intermezzos distracting.

Assumptions about specific individuals' whishes and circumstances are to be avoided and open communication is to be pursued.

PersonLamâsching AvailabilityPreferred School of LamâschingAmorous Status
I love being touched whenever possibleJanina's Schoolin a very understanding monogamous long-term relationship
Anja KonhäuserI love being touched by people I sympathize withnot concentrated on one single school


Zed RedstoneI love touching and affectionJanina's Schoolsingle / (separated for three years)
Hans-Christian EickI desire touch and affection : )freestyle? test merecently broken up, still a little wounded, I draw the line at eroticism for now.
I love being touched anywhereJanina's School & freestyle

single, ready for a long-term relationship

Currently: casual, with focus on well-being and talkingnot yet defined: hugs & light toucheson halt, confused, looking for solutions
come on, take part!

YOU want to be in this list...^^