In a basic syscon your group comes together to find solutions on a topic in a more sophisticated and time expensive way, like you should have decided together beforehand in a quick syscon.

This process consists of the three described steps

  1. formulating wishes towards a good proposal
  2. making proposals
  3. rating

What you need

To participate in a basic syscon bring with you a pen and paper or a laptop, depending on the setup.


This process needs to be moderated (exception is very routinised and experienced group)

Formulating wishes towards a good proposal

The moderator will clarify the current topic and then start the round of wishes towards a good proposal. Here you and everyone else will be asked to express the quality you and they would like in the outcome. These wishes can contain very abstract emotions or values and can also be specific things you want to see in a solution. If you find that your wish is an actual proposal write it down immediately.

Making proposals

In this phase you have the chance to come up with proposals in which you can integrate the voiced wishes you heard before.
This phase has a timelimit.
You can use the time to have your proposals checked by other people but respect if they or others are occupied with working on own proposals and need silence for that.
At some point the moderator will ask you to present your proposal(s)
When you present a proposal participants or the moderator might ask questions and you can also ask questions on the presented proposals of other syscon participants if you have problems of understanding or lack knowledge.


In basic syscon you can rate every proposal with a resistance of 0 (no resistance) up to ten (highest resistance)
This happens in a written way (or via rating cards if available).

The proposal with the lowest resistance will be the solution for the group.
If that should be "deepen the process" the syscon will be carried to a deep syscon for even more sophisticated decision making.