Every user profile, page or community has a Trust Module which will enable users to understand the trust that this user/page/community has. This will empower the community to create more trust which will lead to more unconditional sharing. If a user has set free items, shared their skills or pick-up resources, it is easy understood by other users which. So if someone requested an item and did not show up to pick it up the reliability rate goes down, if users always did what they pretended to do, their reliability rate stays at 100%. If a user want to show the community that high level of trust for another user, they can give a vouch and a comment. If there is not so much trust yet between users, for every interaction (e.g.receiving or sharing an item) the user can give a feedback with or without a short comment and always 1-5 stars.

Design Proposal

Stage 1 - MVP Pilot

Feature Set Basic Trust Module

Stage 2 - MVP

MVP Final

Suggestions for parameters to show or create a trust value from:


Foodsharing.de currently shows the following statistics for foodsavers:

