
Present: Manuele C, Kirstin S, Beata G, Philip E, Matthias L, Bodhi N, Doug W, Tilmann B, Lukas G.

Location: Chemnitz, Kompott.

[Meeting begins 14:15]

MC: Proposes mini-wuppdays at the end of January for two weeks, his place in Nürnberg. It has 3 rooms and will comfortably house 6 - 10 people. Additional working space in nearby university and KS round the corner. This would primarily be for already active contributors.

BN: Has loads of WuppDays locations for summer (recorded on sheet), would be really easy to get places for then. Winter is harder due to many of the locations being hard to adequately heat.

BG: There is a great location in Rotterdam which might be possible for use. Very friendly people running it, they have already given semi-permanent space to Noomap there.

DW: Propose migrating the spreadsheet of venues to the wiki (with suitable view permissions)

BG: Proposes end of March for next major WuppDays.

KS: As early in March as possible better personally.

DW: Perhaps better to propose times knowing that not everyone will be able to make every event. Simpler than setting up Doodle polls, etc.

[Meeting ends 14:45]
