Teams arise when recurring themes bring the same people together. This page is a collection of excerpts from the team pages, which should hopefully give you an idea of what each team does - click on the hyper-linked titles to go to their main page. Unfortunately due to some technical issues, the profile pictures of the members will not display unless you are logged in!

Development Team

IT-Service Team

PR Team

Translation Team

Festival Team

Catering Team during the WuppDays






During every WuppDays we need a catering team of people who love to cook, prepare food, experiment in the kitchen and get the food with the support of all other WuppDays participants ready on time. Almost all food we have is saved and vegan - ready to join the Team?
We are looking forward for your participation!

Foodsaving Team during the WuppDays






During every WuppDays we save tons of food from stores, markets, producers, farmers, groceries, restaurants etc. so the Foodsaving Team is taking care that there is always enough food at the WuppDays, that means to pick up food, find new places to save food and to get it to the WuppDays venue. Ready to join the Team and make some unique experience?
We are looking forward for your participation!