The existing foodsharing wiki is a source of valuable information for anyone interested in foodsharing but is currently only written in German. It has been reviewed and shortened by Janina Abels in the last months and can now finally be translated into English and then into every language imaginable! Since the new version of the wiki still is based on the information collected in the German speaking countries this is not only a translation task, but more about adapting the information to an international audience while keeping in mind the numerous possible differences between different countries.

For foodsharing specific terminology please refer to the democratic glossary on this wiki and feel free to add new terms to it or comment on recurring terms that are not yet part of the glossary in the googledocs, so that we can add them to the glossary for everybody to see!



Organization of the translation

Since the wiki software used in the future is not yet decided on, the reviewed articles are to be translated via googledoc files. 

Use and layout of the googledoc files

Some articles (which are very short and/or closely related to each other) can be worked on in one common file, whereas others have their own corresponding file. See the list below to get an overview:

  • Fair-Share Point & Risky Food
    • Articles: Fair-Share Point, risky food, 3 Fair-Share Point notices, hygiene in the fridge, storage of unchilled food, fair-sharing
  • User Status Pages
    • Articles: Foodsharer, Foodsaver, Store Coordinator, Key Account Manager, Orgateam
  • Rules and violations (just this one article)
  • Guideline for nice cooperation (just this one article
  • ...


Every googledoc file starts with an introductory header where the information regarding the translation process is summarized. First the main article(s) of the googledoc are stated and the translator(s) and proofreader(s) are kindly asked to insert their names in the corresponding spaces. To keep an overview, it would also be great if you could copy-paste the symbol specified in the legend when you started or finished a task. Since this explanation is quite abstract, please have a look at the header of the User Status Pages googledoc:



(translated by Anja, proofread by Janina)



Store Coordinator


Key Account Manager



(just noted here for orientational purposes)


Food Basket

Fair-Share Point

Guideline for nice cooperation


Guideline for a good profile picture

Pick-up (incl. Training Pick-up)



Rules and violations

Checklist professionalism for Foodsavers


 Translation finished

 Proofreading and commenting started (one symbol per proofreader)

 Proofreading and commenting finished (one updated symbol per proofreader)

 Completely finished 


As you can see, all the main articles have already been translated (as indicated by the ✓), the proofreading has started for the Foodsharer article (as indicated by the ☐) and is finished for the Foodsaver article (as indicated by the  ☑). The related articles section lists all articles that need to be linked in the final wiki version of the main articles, meaning if words appear that are the titles of other articles, it needs to be marked in the text by adding [link] behind the word. But if this confuses you, you don't really need to think about it...^^ To have a look at the whole example file, just click here and you'll reach the googledoc.


For every provided googledocs file there also is a Trello card. You don't need to create a Trello account just to take on the task, but if you already have one, it may be good, if you joined our Translation board. (If there are any problems with joining the board and/or the provided link, please give a heads-up to Janina Abels!)

If you don't have a Trello account and don't plan on getting one, but are already part of our yunity Slack and the translation channel, you'll see what's going on with the Trello cards due to our Trello integration on Slack.

In case you are totally confused and don't know what Trello and Slack even are, please have a look at the tools in use section on our getting started in yunity translation page!

Access to the files

The files currently available for translation and proofreading are the following. To acces the file containing English translations refer to the first column, the original German articles are linked in the second column and the third column shows the current status of the translation work on the file in the respective row. The symbols in the third columns are the same as those used in the googledocs, meaning: 

  •  Translation finished
  •  Proofreading and commenting started (one symbol per proofreader)
  •  Proofreading and commenting finished (one updated symbol per proofreader)
  •  Completely finished


for translation into English

Reviewed articles

in German on mediawiki

Status of the file

(last updated 24.03.16)

Fair-Share Point and Risky Food

  • ,

  • needs proofreading and formatting
  • needs proofreading
  •  ✓, needs proofreading
  • ✓, needs proofreading
  • ✓, needs proofreading
User Status Pages
  • needs proofreading
  • needs proofreading
  • , needs proofreading
  • , needs proofreading

Background and self-conception

Rules and violations
Guideline for nice cooperation
  • ✓, ☑,
Welcoming Letter
  • ✓,
Working Groups
  • ✓, needs proofreading
  • ✓, needs proofreading
Collection of Mini-Articles
  • ✓, needs proofreading
  • ✓, needs proofreading
  • ✓, needs proofreading
  • not started
  • not started
  • not started
  • not started
  • not started
  • not started




How to proceed and what to keep in mind

As the translation progresses more files will be made available here.

In the meantime pick a task you'd like to help with and start translating, proofreading or maybe even formatting..?

Don't hesitate to change the sentence structure, the wording in general and even the content of the files, when it needs to be done to adapt it to an international audience! The googledocs are supposed to be a place of discussion regarding not only the best way to put the German content into English words, but also the best way to transport the ideas behind the content to people of various different cultural backgrounds in differently structured societies. They probably don't have a functioning foodsharing online platform and they may not want to simply copy the German system but adapt it to their specific circumstances. We absolutely support that, since it is the idea and the ideal that we want to spread and not a German way of doing things. The plan is to share the experiences from the German speaking countries as a best practice examples for others to use and build upon. So let's have a lively and productive communication about how we can achieve that goal! (smile)

...and don't forget about the amazing glossary for special foodsharing specific terminology!


For the time when we will have finally finished this Wiki version, there will be the next step of restructuring it once again and transfer it to the FSINT space on this wiki! Please refer to the following page, to get an overview about the planned versioning: lebensmittelretten-Wiki and its derivates