Apologies: none
[Meeting begins 10:30]
RW: Update that Development has decided to split the Front-end into Web Front-end and Mobile Front-end.
SP: Proposal within design to integrate Design with the Front-end to reduce work repetition and generally improve work-flow.
RW: Presented;
SP: Update on Design work with Laura;
SP: Does Design need to factor in adverts (for participating stores)?
MS: Yunity page explicitly states no adds.
RF: Participating stores will eventually receive 'good advertisement' from being
FoodSharing/Yunity compliant.
MS: Update on User Needs, presents mockups;
[Long discussion on UI]
RW: Responds that whatever UI design is, Dev can get on with developing agreed core functionality.
MS: Discussion with User Needs suggests need for a voting feature for the platform to keep in touch with what user needs really are.
RW: Asks that User Needs could summarise a list of all strictly necessary features for the Dev team.
RF: Questions whether the Coco is useful in it's current format where the heads of branches aren't able to make decisions at Coco meetings. Suggests that the team could perhaps trust the Coco to make some decisions on their behalf. A general concern that the current Coco protocol doesn't address all eventualities.
[General agreement]
SP: Asks for clarification whether Design is just to take mockups from User Needs (Martin) and work upon them (or reject if really bad)?
MS: Responds that this is the case.
SP: Suggests simplification of store feature to "I can" or "I can't" and the addition of an emergency request feature (e.g. no-one has signed up for tomorrow and someone is required).
SP: Asks to confirm that current work for design should be to connect existing work with the new
MS: Responds that this is the case
[Meeting ends 11:30]
Mockup event
Mockup store