Yunity is by the intension working on creating a proof of concept to "encourages relationships where people can share their time, skills and resources unconditionally. Through these connections and communities we prevent waste and raise awareness for a sustainable way of living."
Whithin this moneypolosy I'm try'n to higlight a possible solution which is aline the main intention of yunity.
In first I like to rise up, that everyone should fell to be free. Everything following these lines are always to understand as guidlines, never as a rule.
Which then means aswell that this poposal is a combination out of different opinions to bring them in a line to create colaborative processes. On here you will find arguments why to be free of money aswell on why to use. For what you'll decide is your choise. All I try is to encourage you to see the impact.
To understand the guidlines itself following an little excurs into the function of money.
Money is the idea of storing value into something abstract. It comes across with a philosophy which is stongly ancord around the fear (thought) of not getting enough. Which is then the main reason of traiding instead of giftconomy. Trading by it self is pushing people into alinging themself towards profitable actions, instead of freely following their dreams. This simply means that motivations are shifting from intrinsic direction extrinsic. As more the motivation is shifted direction extrinsic motivation as more you'll get controled by the effects formed by capitalism.
"extrinsic motivation: “Extrinsic motivation refers to the performance of an activity in order to attain a desired outcome and it is the opposite of intrinsic motivation.[5] Extrinsic motivation comes from influences outside of the individual. In extrinsic motivation, the harder question to answer is where do people get the motivation to carry out and continue to push with persistence. Usually extrinsic motivation is used to attain outcomes that a person wouldn’t get from intrinsic motivation.[11] Common extrinsic motivations are rewards (for example money or grades) for showing the desired behavior, and the threat of punishment following misbehavior. Competition is an extrinsic motivator because it encourages the performer to win and to beat others, not simply to enjoy the intrinsic rewards of the activity. A cheering crowd and the desire to win a trophy are also extrinsic incentives”"
Everytime using money support towards the person who's acepting the money, the mentioned motivation shift. For this simply reson I would genearly advice to be free of money.
Beside the effect towards peoples behavior (motivation shift), I like to highlight that using money comes across with agreeing (acepting) towards the finacial conepts standing behind. And that's the where the power of money is coming from. Every little transaction is giving it the value it's having now. As more people using this system, as more hard to break out. As less people using this system as more hard to keep up the value of money.
That the effect of money, or mainly the idea which is sanding behind, has may a stronger effect we may belive in are showing following studys.
"Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function"
In one of those studys they measured farmers mental function a month before and a month after harvest. Before the harvest the farmers where in poverty and after harvest when they felt flush. The same farmer permormed quiet diffently depending on their wealth (before or after harvest) And not just a little. Their I.Q. rate before harvest was 9-10 points lower then after, which is kind of the same then one night without sleeping.
The outcome of this study as I see has mainly nothing to do if rich or poor, but more with the pressure it creates towards us. A nother comment towards this study is seeing the reasons for this outcome in "occupied braincells" used for thinking about money.
In one other study they let poor and well-off participants thinking about finances, and then determind the participants cognitive performance. The poor performed worse about finacical. The “richs” weren’t effected at all.
Impact of money on emotional expression
"In one of the six studies, researchers showed undergrads either ten pictures of money or of seashells (ostensibly so that they could rate the lighting and clarity of the photos), and then asked them to fill out a seemingly unrelated survey asking when it’s appropriate to keep their emotions to themselves. Those who’d seen the images of money were less likely to endorse the idea of outward emotional expression than the people who’d looked at the seashell pictures.
Other studies with similar setups showed that people with money on their minds didn’t use as many emotional words in written communication; they also were more likely to judge pictures of smiling or frowning people as more emotionally extreme. “Thinking about money increases individuals’ disposition to perceive themselves in a business-like relationship with others, in which … the expression of emotion is considered inappropriate,” the authors write. “Therefore, these individuals express less emotion in public and expect others to do likewise.”
It supports selfishness and rivalery
"“Participants first re-arranged several jumbled lists of words to form sentences. Some participants were given word lists that led to neutral sentences (e.g. ‘it is cold outside’), whereas other participants were given words that led to money-related sentences (e.g. ‘a high-paying salary’). Next, they all attempted to solve a difficult geometric puzzle. Those participants who had completed the money-related sentences worked significantly longer on the puzzle before asking for help (average of 314 seconds), compared with the participants who’d completed neutral sentences (average of 186 seconds – no different from controls who didn’t complete the earlier sentence task).
In another experiment, participants were again primed with either the neutral or money-related descrambling task. Afterwards they sat alone in a room to complete some irrelevant questionnaires. They were soon joined by an assistant of the researchers who was pretending to be another research participant, confused by the questionnaires. The participants primed by the money-related sentences spent only half as much time helping the confused person compared with the participants who’d completed the neutral sentences."
Further experiments showed participants left with more money after a monopoly game helped pick up fewer pencils dropped by a passer-by; participants primed with money-related sentences gave less money to charity; and participants sat in front of a money-themed computer screen-saver chose to sit further away from a another participant they were due to chat with.
Kathleen Vohs and colleagues, who completed the research, said that because money allows people to achieve goals without help from others, tasks that reminded the participants of money led to feelings of self sufficiency, causing them to avoid dependency and to prefer that other people weren’t dependent on them.”
More studys and opinions around the theme money I'm trying higlighting step by step here:
"Changing a game by playing after the rules makes nothing but creating a nother player. If you'll like to change the way we're playing, why not just play a game we all like?"
What if I still like to use money?
Feel free what ever you feel is right to do. I'm just wish that you'll integrate in your considuration the effect of money by itself towards our society.
If you still like to use money here some guidlines on a organsational point of view.
Everything regarding money is done via proxy spendings.
This means: Yunity doesnt have a banc account and no specific people taking care of money inside the organisation. Yunity doesnt spend any money.
Needs with potential costs for Yunity are requested and then donated by individuals and/or teams (foundations, fundraising groups) to yunity.
Every resource yunity works with is based on donation and direct contribution.
This implies that monetary donations are always bound to specific resources or intentions when they are received by yunitymembers.
There is no moneyflow inside yunity.
There is no money management inside yunity , only resource management , which is another topic.
If we can avoid spending money as an organization or by proxy, we should. Not using money is the most coherent option with our mission and vision and avoids us spending time and energy documenting and dealing with money. Avoidance of expenditure should be the starting consideration.
No one is expected to spend money in, or on behalf of the yunity organization. If a contributor or interested individual wishes to purchase a resource to achieve the goals of yunity with their own money, the person will not be excluded. Which means, is able to contribute free of limits.
For anything explicitly purchased for yunity it is recommended to properly record: name, date, and copy of receipt. Recording is optional and not aimed to glorify donors, however, recording this information is very useful to indicate where yunity is still reliant on money and will help us achieve even lower running costs in the future.