Present: Manuel W, Kirstin S, Tilmann B, Pranav S
Notary/ies: Tilmann B. (partially)
Location: Skype




[Meeting begins: 16:00]


Tilmann: I would like to develop a lean workflow, which includes everybody in the product, development and design team. Pranav and me already started working on an Agile card-based concept. I want to present it shortly and invite you to participate. Related:

Raphael: I would like if we can define a solid plan for the coming 6 weeks, so everything before and during the next WuppDays in Rotterdam. Which features from which modules sets we want to have ready until the beginning of the WuppDays which than could be breaken down to waffles so the IT and design people can actually start from the beginning of the WuppDays in Rotterdam.

Kirstin: I would like to briefly discuss the roadmap targets (based on me and Manuel's discussion with Maksim) 

Manuel: Also the role of the Product Owner - (can it be one person - or a small group (2-3) that take on this responsibility

Manuel: User testing / Interviews to discover User Problems


-- no question gathering --


TB: (Using the terms from here: )

TB: Product Manager is self-elected

TB: Planning Meeting every two weeks

MW: (Design + Product)

KS: Format of planning meeting: Retrospective-Planning-Kickoff

TB: Retrospective includes everyone who participated in the Sprint - write it down on a Pad

TB: Use doodle to find a common date

KS: Need to define Inputs and Outputs of the Planning Meeting in the workflow diagram

Content of planning meeting: 

    - selection of tasks from product backlog and placement and prioritization in the sprint backlog

    - assignment of tasks to resources 

TB: Let's do a planning meeting right now

KS: This is interesting to see what people are needed for the planning meeting

MW: What is useful for the next two weeks from my perspective:

    Card: Style guide (colors, fonts)

    Card: Define the user flow

    Card: Find beta testers


    Other considerations:

    Business cards (important for raphael and philip)

    facebook campaign


KS: Have a product board makes sense to track progress

TB: I would create a Sprint board, where all the overview cards

MW: Collect information in the wiki

KS: It's important to update the wiki, otherwise it's outdated

TB: Don't use the wiki for scheduling, use Trello instead

KS: (Rename the trello columns in this board)

TB: Rename the board to "Product" (no objections from KS, MW)

MW: I'll change the background to something more unique

KS: Did anyone check the mockups from Manuele? (PW: dragonlove)

TB: I commented on them a while ago, but didn't look at again


(Pranav S joins)

PS: All members of the team should vote on how many cards there should be in the sprint.

(Mostly work in Trello board)

PS: Before the planning meeting, every member of the team should put their availability on the trello card.


PS: A good start! Happy to start with sprint #1 :D

TB: Went really well, good progress!

[Meeting ends: 19:00]