Coco meeting #2, 01-10-2015
Present: Doug W (Minutes), Raphael F (Mission and Vision), Raphael W (Development), Martin S (User Needs), Sara P (Design) and Neel P..
Apologies: none
[Meeting begins 15:30]
RW: Nothing particularly relevant for the Coco...
MS: For user needs there is an online form for new feedback. Hassan from Edinburgh mentioned integration with Facebook – User Needs to decide whether integration with Facebook is appropriate/possible.
MS: Presents his mobile mockups. Proposes that 6 most important categories visible with icons.
- RW: Responds that perhaps 4 are more appropriate
- MS: Suggests 4.5 (so users hinted to scroll down).
[Long discussion about the mockups]
RW: Says that dev can adapt to design changes.
SP: List of most recent items/things may not need icons if icons displayed on the map. Thinking of 3 tabs with 'personal communication', 'groups' and 'related to post'.
Explains details of desktop designs – commentable on at Invision – password: 'wuppdays'. Design wonders if 'friendship request' or 'following' is a better interaction model.
- RF: responds that although 'friends' is Facebook-like, 'following' is impersonal and a one-way interaction. Proposes 'friends' like Facebook, but called 'connections'.
- MS: Discusses existing 'trust bananas'/'I-know-him' feature.SP: Suggests we have two-way and one-way relationships.
- MS: States that Facebook currently has both (accepted friends vs unaccepted friends)
- SP: Can produce the different mockups for next meeting with option bar at top and at bottom.
- RF: How to get to your own profile?
- MS: Like Facebook? Default click on profile takes you to your page.
- SP: Responds that normally on mobile, clicking takes you to your preferences.
- RF: Some people regularly check their own page, others rarely.
- RW: For mobiles screens, better to limit to 5 options.
[RW: draws mockup]
- RW: wants to use current UI components now, and adapt later.
- RF: What else does Dev need to progress?
- RW: Nothing now.
[Meeting ends 16:00]
Drawing 1: Martins mockup #1
Drawing 2: Martins mockup #2