Since there are already many food and resource saving and sharing initiatives out there, there also are some apps and pages that aim to help the people to reduce food waste and encourage sharing.
(in alphabetical order)
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eBay Kleinanzeigen
Service from eBay for local trade. Gifting is an official option.
- Members can place and request offers.
- It is possible to filter offers by city or postal code.
- It is possible to filter for private and free offers only.
- Only available in Germany?
Versatile US-American platform, that is also used to save and share food and resources.
- Fan pages can be used to advertise your local foodsharing initiative. Examples from Copenhagen, Warsaw, Taiwan.
- Groups can be used to manage peer-to-peer foodsharing. Examples from
- Groups can also be used to channel organizational tasks. Examples from
- Not specifically designed for foodsaving, coordination of store pick-ups is not integrated
- Considered evil by quite an amount of people...
Feed my friends
App made by AlexanderF and Naomi.
The big German platform, that mainly coordinates cooperations to save food from businesses. More in-depth info on this website and the ongoing development process can be found here.
- Stores can be entered on the platform and have a dedicated team of foodsavers who can sign up for pick-up dates set by the store coordinator.
- Members can know, trust and message each other.
- Members can upload food baskets to share their personal surplus directly with other members.
- A lot of different forums for the huge amount of different local groups, user levels and working groups.
- Map that shows foodsavers, businesses, FoodShare-Points and food baskets, depending on the user level of the member.
- Events can be created and members can be invited. They can attend, decline or maybe attend.
- Only available in German, so far no translation support.
- Not open source yet.
- Code did not see many changes in a while, development was reopened recently.
- is a registered German 'Verein', that is in the midst of reorganizing.
App from the UK to share or sell food and items.
- Members can place and request offers.
- Offers are displayed on a map.
- They plan on becoming profitable in the long run.
Quote from their FAQ: "We anticipate earning revenue from corporate partnerships, local advertising, and by retaining a portion (as set by the user) of any donation processed through OLIO."