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facebook fanpage 

not in personal contact

NETHERLANDS - Amsterdam - Guerilla Kitchen


not in personal contact

NETHERLANDS - Bussum - Taste before you waste


"We're funded by the Climate Challenge Fund (Scottish Government) on the basis that we reduce carbon emissions, and that pays for equipment and expenses and my salary. We're collecting and redistributing food from 17 local businesses (around 2 tonnes a month) and we also are running around 3 Disco Soups a year. We're thinking of changing the Disco Soup format for summer to make it more like a food show.

We do a weekly free food table on a local park (Waste not Wednedays!) and run sustainable cooking classes with students. We also have a research project going on at the moment which is looking at preventing business food waste.

SPAIN - Barcelona


info collected by Arno Döpper, met with one of the people in November 2016

related Homepage (Wordpress page - not only for Barcelona)

Community: community exists since about 4 years. They have monthly assemblies, to welcome new members. They used to be more open but limited the 'membership' at some point (I forgot why exactly). They pick up food twice a week and meet once a week to distribute the food (equally) among the contributing members (two people get one basket and share the food between each other). Before the food distribution there is an assembly. There are different sub groups in the community taking care of various tasks (communication, internal workshops, raising awareness at schools or other institutions, ...). The community is run very local (mostly Garcia as I understood) and also more or less analog. (Having one whatsapp group). They used to do their assemblies in a squat (Banc Expropriat), now in a new squat next to it (Ateneu Entrebanc).

Food-Share Points: No food share points.

Stores: Several small stores, which are happily collaborating. (At least more than 10)

Legal: no legal arrangement.

Difficulties: language: Catalan or Spanish.

Plans: trying to create a closer relationship with food stores

SPAIN - Bilbao - Foodsharing Bilbao

Contact: Unai Gaztelu


- La Xarxa d'Aliments de Gràcia (Banc Expropriat)

Info provided by Lukas Gebhard in March 2019

Community: The Xarxa d'Aliments de Grácia exists since several years now. It is one of the initiatives of the community Banc Expropriat, a squad in Barcelona's neighbourhood Grácia. The Xarxa has weekly meetings. At each meeting, there is an agenda of topics to be discussed. During the discussion, participants come and go to pick up food at cooperating stores nearby. In the end, every participant receives an equal share of the saved food. The Xarxa is generally open to newcomers.

Food-Share Points: None.

Stores: About 15 stores (including bakeries, markets, and organic stores).

Legal: No legal arrangement.



SPAIN - Bilbao - Foodsharing Bilbao

Contact: Unai Gaztelu

Community: Emerging, more info after the intro event on 2017-04-08. One closed facebook group for foodsavers and one open one for foodsharers. Management of the pick-ups is organized via


SWEDEN - Borås - foodsharing i Borås


Contact: Lotta of foodsharing Chemnitz

SWEDEN - Östersund - foodsharing i Östersund


Contact: Little Teddy on facebook



not in close contact

TAIWAN - Taipei - Foodsharing Taiwan


Difficulties: People are still not familiar with the idea of Foodsharing. Therefore, the first task is always to educate the group and the people of Ankara to rescue more food. People don't usually want to take cooked food or even the fresh rescued food. To change this mentality is the greatest challenge . The group is still working on this task and share the advantages of freeganism on social media. A system without any requirement of membership, where people can easily find the locations of the food share points and take/leave fresh food is needed for the next steps, due to huge amounts of rescued food from Çerçöp. Another difficulty is finding more people to take responsibilities in foodsharing.

USA - Savannah - Food Not Bombs


contact: wutogui on foodsaving worldwide forums

Food Not Bombs is a widespread international organization that has chapters in many cities of the world. They are all independent and not centrally organized, so you never know which one's are still active if you don't have personal contact. Still, here is a map.