Points for dicsussiondiscussion:
Present Philips project overview.
Sort existing application into various categories.
Change application form to have rigid category selection (i.e. drop-down menu) to make further sorting much easier → AP for a Dev.
Create/store development diagrams (i.e. application process flow, data model, etc).
Research existing platforms (i.e. number of users, public API?, etc)
Identify existing problems (i.e. disagreement between food-sharers) and potential problems (i.e. Freecycle split in the UK because users felt they were dominated by American founders)
Project structure;
Identify capabilities of existing contributors (i.e. those of us at WuppDays)
General, high-level planning. Work on an appropriate model and 'publish'
Create a WuppDays 'bucket-list'
Present: Philip B, Camille C, Doug W, Raphael F, Martin S
Apologies: None
Location: none Malo
[Meeting begins 11:15]
PB: Project overview sprung from attempt to create a one-page project summary – in order to create a summary, a full documentation was required first. Overview goes into detail in all areas of the project (e.g. purpose, targets, execution, etc.)