In order to be able to realize our visions we want to create stable living and working conditions.
We have core costs for the houses, will need to pay for some renovation material and possibly tools.
So we want to apply for funding.
Best fitting findings so far
Kulturstiftung Leipziger Raum: they fund sociocultural projects and sustainable art and culture
Beweungsstifung: they start where others end, middle term and no detailed what the money was used for quite easy application → gemeinnütziger verein needed
fund especially protests, not entirely sure if we fit...?
European funding
ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) - EFRE (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung) in German.
Regional funding from Saxony
- → great database called FÖMISAX (partly also includes pots from Bund or EU)
what can we do in order to apply for core costs? If not possible what would be a good alternative?
should we do it with the w.V. or a gemeinnütziger Verein?
what to be careful about in a application? How does a projektvorstellung look like?
other tips?Also the possibility of creating a trust fund to e.g. pay germans health insurance is discussed.
So we want to apply for funding.