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titleWork in progress!

This is happening right now and this file will be regularly updated until the stay is over - so at least until April 1512.

This is a foodsharing kickstart, that takes place during two weeks in Bilbao. It was prepared beforehand, almost exclusively by Joachim Thome and our local contact Unai Gaztelu. During the kickstart Janina Abels was also present.


At 9 15 pm Janina and Joachim went to save some more food: First to the panaderĂ­a, where they got six baguettes and then to Ecorganic, where two crates of fruits and veggies awaited them. On the way back home the dumpsters of the bakery yielded creamy tartlets, croissants and even three dinner trays, which would be perfect for the ecent the next day! (big grin) (big grin)

Saturday 2017-04-08

  • The 9th day was all about the introduction meeting in the afternoon. That means, that no early appointments neede needed to be met and the day could start slowly.
    • Janina had some last looks at the presentation.
    • Joachim took some rest to let his sore muscles heal.
    • Unai ran a marathon (yep, seriously).

Around 4 pm Joachim and Janina packed all the saved food together to get it to the venue and distribute it there:

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When they arrived at 5:30 pm Unai was not there yet, but they could enter the space anyways. They set up the projector and the laptop, presented all the food nicely and waited for people to arrive. At 6:30 Three people had come and the presentation started. It was held by Janina, who was not well prepared to hold a presentation in Spanish, but it worked out quite well anyways. During the presentation three more people showed up: Leire and two guys from Bilbi.

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Even though it was not the biggest event ever, we still count it as a succes. Because the two people, that came first, already commited to do some pick-ups next week; we were able to distribute most of the food, we had just piled up in Unai's dad's appartment until then, and shortly after the end we found out that Unai was in fact still alive, but had to walk half of his marathon, due to his friend not being able to run anymore after some hours, and that it took them over 9 hours to finish the 45 km in the end...^^

The pick-up at Ecorganic yielded one crate of veggies that day and the bakery's dumpsters were empty - a welcome change to the over-eating of the days before... (wink) On the way from the pick-up Janina and Joachim encountered a frightening procession of what reminded them both strikingly of something awful, even though they'd already been told that it is something cultural and traditional and nothing explicitly right-wing... Still, the eerie feeling didn't go away so easily and Janina was determined to research this the next day.

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Sunday 2017-04-09

  • The 10th day Janina got up unpleasantly early for a call with Germany concerning activities at the Southside festival in June. Joachim could sleep a little longer.
    • At around 10:30 pm they left the appartment together and met with Unai outside.
    • Unai and Joachim were then headed to the workshop to finally construct the bike trailer.
    • Janina went to Az to do some more online work, as well as taking care of another call scheduled for noon.

Reaching Az, Janina met a guy she had already talked with the day before. He said he wanted to come to the foodsharing intro meet-up but couldn't find the venue. He's on facebook though, so she just added him as friend and to the facebook group of foodsharing Bilbao, where the slides of yesterdays presentation are shared now.

The general feeling after the event the day before was, that possibilities for new cooperations are manifold, but the distribution possibilities need to be enhanced. That's why Janina researched nevera solidaria and the Banco de alimentos de Bizkaia and sent the info she collected to Unai. It seems that both of these organizations could make great cooperation partners in the future, for now something smaller could be more appropriate, though. Like a local soup kitchen, where just one or two crates of vegetables per day would be welcome and helpful. Maybe Unai has some ideas himself...

At the workshop the building of the bike trailer progressed slowly but steadily over the course of the day.

Btw, the online research of the interestingly dressed people they saw the other night lead to the realization that those processions are carried out with similar costumes all over Spain in the last week before Easter. This week is called semana santa and the processions apprently are tributes to the passion of Jesus Christ. (The more detailed question of 'Why the hats?!' is to be answered as follows: It's a capirote, read it up yourselves! (wink))