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Fritz: (written statement) In the first meeting/gathering it seemed that there were different ideas on how to approach tours.
Some people wanted to plan concretely where and when to establish a foodsharing-network using the "FS-Int tool", whereas others felt the need to establish
a sense of group-coherence first and approach the tour in a more flexible way considering the local community's needs. At first there was a dissonant
feeling in the group until we started openly discussing the issue, which resulted in a more harmonic atmosphere between everyone. I think the conclusion
was that more groups will form organically and several tours will be happening simultaneously with slightly different approaches still being in regular
communication and exchange.
Plan: I don't have a fixed plan yet, but I will be free for the rest of the year to possibly go to Marseille, Vienna, Dublin, Spain, Greece
to support local communities / projects and network. I am really interested in brining together everybody involved and establish one united network and communication channel.

Paul: (written statement) The interests of being on tour are different. Meetings and conversations helped to clear different points. Some people are focusing on when and where to start food saving with the help of the FSINT tool. While having a fixed concept in mind the interest of rethinking was small. Building a new concept within a new team constellation wasn't possible. Arguments of timepressure to start the tour were in my perspective irrevelant when there was a lot of time spent on drugs and smalltalk during the Wuppbreak. One of my main intention attending to the wuppbreak was to connect with the different touring approach finding out collaboration possibilities. While the motivations behind building communitys and networks still being quite similar it's about learning from each other and reflecting on the different aproaches. I think it's difficult when a group openly invites for a tour but at the same time closing the space for group building. It was good to see that people are following their dreams and ideas without being missleaded from different approach or critisism. Another approach of traveling is focusing on yunity as a whole. Many ideas, dreams and concepts are already in the room and been actively worked on. Being critical towards the way build up and testing different ways of group organisation free from power and structural supported hieracys. Many touring groups will form simultaneously with the intention of being in regular communication and exchange. As a communication platform there is since now available. I hope to see monthly community updates. :) Paul's plans are: finding and building groups with strong dynamics leading to happy, joyful, love, active, radical, peaceful and harmonious results with an interest of traveling for change.

Anna: I felt a lot of misunderstanding and miscommunication between the "groups". I felt individual tensions created an environment that was difficult to be in. I felt there was impatience and stress from some people.  So I took a step back from it. I think what happened was that one group were focused on planning foodsharing tours. It difficult for new people to join this group and share their ideas - as the work towards foodsharing tours has been in the process long before now. There are newer members who have the idea to spread the vision of yunity without focusing on one part, but who will enevitably raise awareness of foodsharing in the process, anyway. I feel also that people in this "group" also made it difficult for those who have been in the process of planning for a while.  To me, it doesn't really matter so much - as each person travels with the same aim of spreading yunity vision, and will do so with a group of people they work well with and trust. The main problem at Wuppbreak was not allowing space for group dynamics to build - something which I see as as essential for travelling and doing actions. Vision: Although I learnt (from august) the need to be sensitive and open to new ways of bringing the communities together, I see foodsharing as a solid way to do this. I trust that all members of yunity would be sensitive and open to the community. But I am not aware of all the previous 'problems' with starting a foodsharing community. I would like first to be in a new place, see what exists in that area area, meet motivated people, before seeing where I can fit in.
I am always open to every approach and the best is that everyone is doing what they feel is right. I am interested in touring in general with yunity. looking to see where we can connect, spread our vision of sharing culture best. Plan: In Marseille from October onwards. In Scotland/Ireland for December. Thinking about Turkey for Jan/Feb if possible (philip has links!)
