Present: Doug W (minutes), Raphael F, Manuele MC, Martin S, Raphael W
Apologies: ...
[Meeting begins 19:15]
RF: The Coco meeting should help to connect people. How is the video going on?
MC: There will be a 10 minute version, and other videos. However, would like to publish the main video of the past WuppDays by the end of the month.
RF: Also wrt Design, how is the progress with the logo?
MC: Have talked with Philip, preparing a text for potential Design applicants, will then send to yunity/WuppDays applicants and also design agencies. Feel my skills are better suited to organising and recruiting, not production. Final date for logo, 20th December (proposed). Will send out the call at the next mini-WuppDays (this weekend, Nurnberg). Would like to create positive and inspiring graphic material to stir up some social media interest (like these). We must consider how we approach SEO and plan ahead. How do we present ourselves to the outside world?
MS: MVP spec is a go, and Nick will be finalising it soon.
Next meeting: 19:30, 2015-11-04
[Meeting ends: 20:00]