AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor
16 GB DDR3
2x 1TB SATA HDD, Raid 1 (~850 GB usable)
The yuca server is sponsored by manitu for yunity development and foodsharing purposes.
- project.yunity.org: Project description webpage (Currently on OctoberCMS with migration plans)
- yuca.yunity.org: Wordpress test setup for project page
- piwik.yunity.org: Analytics server
- different smaller PHP/mysql projects from an older server
- (todo) development preview of yunity software
- (todo) build server of yunity software
- (todo) beta launch of yunity software
- (todo) foodsharing.de 2.0 launch server, at that time, all other purposes are moved to banana
Software setup
Operating system
Debian Jessie is used.
Must-have packages
- tmux for persistent terminals (type tmux attach after SSH connection to attach, ctrl+b+n or p for next/previous pane, ctrl+b +c for new pane
- imagemagick as it will be used by some web projects for graphics manipulation
Network configuration
- 100 MBps connection (...)
- 2a00:1828:2000:873::2/64
Nginx, php5-fpm 5.6
All web traffic is per default forwarded to the same URL on HTTPS. Define a server block for the domain if that should not happen.
SSL certificates from letsencrypt.org are used. For that, the simp_le client comes into action: The .well-known/ path is served from the common webroot /var/www/html on a wildcard server block (_). That enables a very simple default configuration. Just add all domains (including subdomains) in the script in /opt/letsencrypt/update_keys.sh and rerun that. The webserver is automatically reloaded if certificates change.
HTTP Strict Transport Security is enabled in nginx.conf. Domain yunity.org was applied for Chrome certificate preloading (http://hstspreload.appspot.com/).
https://yuca-admin.yunity.org/ provides links to
- munin (please activate reasonable plugins when you add services or sites, especially PHP status)
- PHP OPCache statistics (please increase SHM when neccessary)
Please add yourself to the mailinglist serveradmin@yunity.org (in manitu interface) to receive munin/postmaster/root/etc. emails from yuca.
- project.yunity.org (OctoberCMS)
- www.yunity.org/yunity.org -> project.yunity.org
- piwik.yunity.org
- yuca-admin.yunity.org
- yuca.yunity.org
Adding a new virtual host name
Create a new user
We are using one user per hosting environment.
Code Block |
adduser --home /var/www/<name> <name> |
Create a FPM pool file in
Code Block |
/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/ |
This generates a unix socket file.
Add the FPM socket file in
Code Block |
/etc/nginx/conf.d/php-upstream.conf |
Create a nginx config file in
Code Block |
/etc/nginx/sites-available/ |
and link it in
Code Block |
/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ |
Create the file
Code Block |
/var/www/<name>/cert/dns |
and enter the domains of the virtual host.
Code Block |
/opt/letsencrypt/update_keys.sh |
Log directory
Create a directory
Code Block |
/var/www/<name>/log |
to allow startup and logging of PHP-FPM.