
A wall is a message board, like a facebook wall and is one of the core elements of Pages, Profiles, Groups, Stores and Events.

A wall has posts. Each post can have comments. When there are too many comments, it will only show the latest view (ala facebook), you can either expand the comments on the same page, or click on the post to go to a new page which just shows that post and all the comments. This part is to allow it to function more like a message board, when conversations can get more involved.

The first, and simplest kind of post is just text, but others would be special (like a poll, picture, question, etc), show content from elsewhere on the site (e.g. an event), or show status information (e.g. someone joined the group).

People who have not commented can subscribe to receive notifications about the post, people who comment are automatically subscribed but can unsubscribe when they wish.




Stage 1 - Rotterdam Development Goals

Feature Set User Wall

  • W.1 As a user I wan to write text posts on my Wall so that I can share informations (trello card)
  • Group/Store wall: members can posts
  • A wall post is basic UTF8-text.
  • A wall post has: sender, time 
  • W.2 As a user I want to comment on a text post so that I can share my thought on it. (trello card)
  • W.3 As a user I want to change permissions for my wall so that I can allow or forbid other users to write post /comment/view on my wall (see wall post permissions) (trello card)

Feature Set Community/Sub-Group Wall

  • W.4 As admin of a community I want my community and sub-groups to have a wall so that the members of the community can communicate (trello card)
    • everyone can post and comment
  • W.5 As admin of a community I want to be able to allow or forbid the normal members to write posts/comments on my community/sub-group wall so that I can define how communication works in my community (see wall post permissions) (trello card)

Stage 2 - MVP

Feature Set: Delete Comments and Posts

  • Users can delete their own posts and comments 
  • Authorized users (based on Permissions) delete comments and posts

Feature Set: Editable Wall Posts

  • A wall post can be edited by the author
  • Each edit leads to a note at the wallpost, which states the user and the edit time

Feature Set: ?

  • For a group, settings will be introduced to be able to change the wall permissions on a per-group basis
  • A post can be reported (to whom?)
  • Sanitize UTF8 in some way? (general topic) Allow newlines, maybe other basic markup.
  • Limit the length of posts to something reasonable.
  • On a Group/Store/Event wall it is possible to set the permission to write or comment more flexibly

Stage 3 - Distant Goals

  • Moderation on Wall posts will be possible
  • Finer grained permission settings on Walls
  • Referring to a wall post in another wall post or comment will be possible ("share")
  • Liking of posts?
  • A wall post or comment might be an external resource (URL)
  • an image
  • a video file
  • a research/question (different kind of wall-post; not as comment)
  • an event (link to an event)
  • links to crowdsourcing module
  • links to sharing module
  • systemic consensus (link to it / different module?)
  • Link to module-specific entities (e.g. reports, "yellow cards", messages)

Unclear things

  • What is a milestone?
  • Where is the difference between a duudle and a poll?
  • What is a project?
  • Why allow a second comment nesting level? We decided on one at some point


Facebook Question/Poll



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