Scrum 17.7.2016


Matthias: nothing
     What did i do?
    - improved some background-design in the jQuery frontend, especially api and unnecessary ajax calls
    What i want to do?
    where am i blocked?
     What did i do?
    - fix the 500 backend bug
    - backend deploy does now keep user data (but migrations have to be generated and checked in from now on)
    What i want to do?
    - backend fixes necessary for frontend development, awaiting requests
    where am i blocked?
     What did i do?
    -some documentation in wiki
    What i want to do?
    -document furhter, prepare testsgroups for mvps
    where am i blocked?
    What did i do?
    -discussion about this proposal with Nick, Lars and Tilmann
    -delete repository with the foundation approach
    What i want to do?
    -reorganize my code to the template Nick suggested
    -use Angular Material designs of Lars
    -learn stuff about webpack
    where am i blocked?
     What did i do?
    - read myself into angularJS and angular material
    - build a small website with it, created a github repo, got in contact with Flo & Nick
    What i want to do?
    - create more html templates for the Angular Material approach
    where am i blocked?
     What did i do?
    - same as for above project
    What i want to do?
    - backend fixes necessary for frontend development, awaiting requests
    where am i blocked?
     What did i do?
    What i want to do?
    -prepare comparison of the mvp designs with usergroup, wiki documentation
    where am i blocked?
     What did i do?
    What i want to do?
    slack integration
    where am i blocked?
    help from matthias or tillmann needed to do it
     What did i do?
    - gave Alex SSH access to manually reset the database
    - draft how slack integration should work
    What i want to do?
    - nothing until end of walk
    where am i blocked?
    - no free part of my brain left
     What did i do?
    -q&a rationale of slack integration
    What i want to do?
    where am i blocked?
    What did i do?
    - had a little look into slack integrations
    What i want to do?
    - work on slack integration for quick syscon tool with/for alexander
    where am i blocked?
    - wanting to help preparation for the und_jetzt!? and general lack of motivation around this place

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